Thursday, April 22, 2010

School Students

For the past couple of months, I have been working with kindergarten and 3rd grade students at West Terrace in Evansville. The school is fantastic and the students are even more wonderful and so very fun to work with:).. I have truly enjoyed my time there, so I thought I would share a favorite story of mine since the semester is almost over!!

Every Wednesday and Friday I get 50 minutes with my 3 kindergarten students and over the semester we have been studying and observing all kinds of animals. Well, on this particular day, we were studying jaguars and the many characteristics that make this animal unique. We were discussing the foods a jaguar may eat in the wild, and the students were coming up with all kinds of meat they thought the animal would eat. Since they were so focused on meat, I asked, "What do you call an animal that eats meat as their main source of food?" This little boy began sounding out the word that was right on his tongue, ...C...C...C..., and all of the sudden his eyes got so big like a light bulb had went off in his mind and he yelled out, "CATHOLIC!"

Priceless:) Somehow I always walk out of the school doors with a big smile on my face, thinking of all the silly, but honest answers they come up with.

I luckily found out some exciting news that wasn't supposed to come out until October, but I have been placed at Lena Dunn (3rd & 5th grade) for my student teaching which will begin next spring!! I'm so glad to be at a school close to home so that I can live at home and save some money:), but also not far from USI!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Count your blessings...

Baleigh- you are my light and my laughter. You continue to show my heart that it can love again, with a fullness that seems to overflow!! You give me the strength to make it through each day, and my smile continues to grow as I see a little more of myself in you in every step that you take:)

Briona- you are the energy and free-spirit that I wish I had more of:) your caring and protective heart gives me joy that will always pierce the darkness. I cannot fathom the work of God's hands, but I continue to see you grow into a more beautiful young woman each and every day!!! You are truly amazing...

Mom- how can I ever thank you enough for the time and energy you have spent on me. You continue to lift me up when I fall, even if I do not deserve it! Your love has shown me that I can do all things through my Savior who gives me strength, no matter the obstacles that are ahead of me.
Daddy- your wings seem to push me a little further each day. When I stand, I stand taller because of you. You have given me all of the life and love in the world, and every time I see the brightness of the sun, I can feel your presence surrounding me. You set the example of the life I want to live, and I cannot wait to share all of this with you when I meet you inside Heaven's gates..
To my heavenly Father- you have given me more blessings than I deserve, and you placed me in the family that has molded me into who I am today. I love you with all of my heart..
To my fellow bloggers- when you are down, remember the blessings that surround you each and every day of your life!! They are truly a gift from above:)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Yesterday morning, as the praise team was leading the worship songs, I closed my eyes and all I could see was my dad smiling in Heaven. And at that moment, the only thing I could think of was, "I wonder what kind of celebration is going on up there. How amazing would it be to celebrate the resurrection of Christ while you're standing next to Christ, the Lord of All, and my dad is doing it right this very moment!!!" My mind just couldn't comprehend it! Just the thought of my two Fathers in Heaven together gave me enough peace to get through the day... Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!! :)
