Thursday, February 18, 2010

100th Post & 21st Birthday!!

Yesterday (February 17th) was my 21st birthday!! I can't believe I've lived this beautiful life for 21 years, almost a quarter of a century:)!! I found it so neat that my birthday fell on my 100th post, so I thought I would dedicate this post to my angel in heaven, my daddy, which was the reason that I began this journey on blogger. He is the reason I am the woman I am today and he represents all of the dreams that I hope to accomplish down the road. I will never be able to express the love and respect I have for him and for the life that he lived!! I miss him with every breath that I breathe.... When I close my eyes at night, I can see him smiling down on me, especially on this day, and jumping for joy in celebration at the mark of another year of my life!

His bracelet I wore in memory of him on my birthday! (A special thanks to John Peanut who had it sized to fit my tiny wrist :)


1 comment:

Tammy@Fear Not said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Your Daddy lives on in you and also through your memories. Perhaps logging all of them somewhere would be good. Something you can have for your future husband & children to share and learn about him. The braclet is special.