One of my blog friends has a thing where she posts "Confessions" from time to time. I always get a kick out of reading them. I sort of felt like spitting out a whole list of my confessions and random thoughts today.. and here it goes:)
1. I am obsessed with Pepsi and any kind of fattening food.. Since starting a full-time job, I've found it alot easier to order out instead of pack a healthier lunch the night before. It doesn't help that I find healthy foods not very tasty:)
2. I'm about 5 mintues behind schedule (a.k.a late) on most occasions. I blame this on genetics; although, I did not get this from either of my parents.... I do have family like this:)
3. I love sleeping in and taking naps every day of the weekend...
4. I'm obsessed with and most magazines...
5. I love shopping ALL the time and probably spend way too much money on it!!
6. I'm very self-conscious. I pick out everything that I think is wrong with me and let it control my thoughts. In other words, I'm my own worst enemy...
7. I'm a worry wart. I let silly things creep into my mind and I worry about it.
If you didn't think I was a little crazy before reading this then I'm sure it's now confirmed! :)
The point of this post was this: I am not perfect. My life will always be a "work in progress."
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
I know I'm a few weeks late... but I am just now getting the time to post about all of my many, many blessings!!!
I'm so thankful for:
-my family and friends for loving me more than they should:)
-having a job that I absolutely love..
-my 17 kiddos that help me to form abs throughout the day from laughing so hard (they say the funniest things!)... on a serious note they give me purpose and have blessed my life in so many ways..
-Extreme Makeover Home Edition for showing me what giving and selflessness is all about..
-Insanity workouts for kicking my butt back into shape!!
-being healthy and able to enjoy everything in life
-the 22 years God has blessed me with
-my warm, cozy home
and last but certainly not least..
-my Jesus and his amazing grace
Monday, November 14, 2011
I'm set for Lasik eye surgery this Thursday and there are soo many emotions going through my head. Most of all I'm excited, but I'm also scared, nervous, anxious, etc. I've had to go through 2 pre-op exams because my eyes were not cooperating and I'm already on Restasis because of my severe dry eye problem. Hopefully everthing goes well on Thursday and I'll be back to work on Friday!! Say a little prayer for me on Thursday:)

Here is my last photo taken with glasses, hopefully until I reach my 40's ha!!!

I had to add some pictures of my dad after he got it done in 2002. These are soo precious!!

Here is my last photo taken with glasses, hopefully until I reach my 40's ha!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Quick Post!
I am extremely tired and worn out, so I'm on my way to bed... but before my head hits the pillow I wanted to express how blessed life feels right now. I have accomplished a life-long dream of teaching and I couldn't love it anymore. The other night I went into my classroom, hit my knees, and just prayed for each little person in my room. It's amazing to know that God chose me for this job and picked these 17 students for me to share the next 170 some days with. I feel blessed beyond words!! This year seems to be flying by already, but I can't wait to see what this year has in store for my students and for myself!! :)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
IT'S OFFICIAL!!!! I'm a new teacher at Barr-Reeve Elementary!! I am beyond thrilled for this opportunity and super excited to begin!! Now that this title is finally sinking in I am beginning to get very anxious to start planning lessons, decorating a classroom, and buying tons of stuff :) I will hopefully find out which grade I will be teaching on Wed. or Thurs., but I have a feeling I'll either be in Kindergarten or 1st grade. It is amazing how quickly things can fall together when only 2 months ago I felt like I had no direction as to where I was headed in my life. Now I atleast know that I'm meant to be here, which is right where I wanted to be :) God is sooooo good!!!
I'll be sure to post lots of pics when I get my classroom all set up. But right now all that I have done is a notebook full of pictures, classroom ideas, and books ready to be ordered haha! I hope August 10th doesn't come too quickly!
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Dash
We received this little book from my dad's funeral and I sat down to read it for the first time the other night... I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)
I read of a mon who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on his tombstone from the beginning... to the end.
He noted that first cam the date of his birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time that he spent alive on earth and now only those who loved him know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not how much we own, the cars... the house... the cash... What matters is how we live and love... and how we spend our dash.
So you think about this long and hard; are there things you'd like to change? For you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough to consider what's true and real... and always try to understand the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives... like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile... remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is being read... with your life's actions to rehash... would you be proud of the things they say... about how you spent your dash?
I fell in love with this little poem only because it speaks so much! It's so so easy to forget what is important in life at times :)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Melissa & Eric's Wedding
This weekend I got to take part in a friend's wedding that I've known all of my life!! I felt so honored to be able to stand beside her on her big day... It seems only yesterday that we were playing "wedding" and I always made her be the groom so I could be the bride haha! They took off this morning for Jamaica- I can't wait to hear all about it!!!! Here are some pictures of the big day:
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Unknown Future
As I get closer and closer to my college graduation, I get a little more nervous and anxious about what's around the corner. Where do I go next? I really have no idea. I'm at a "fill-in-the-blank" part of life, except I don't know what to put in the blank. I'm graduating college without a job; as of now there will be no teaching openings for next year; I'm without the security of knowing that the next year will be any better, and I just told the guy that I thought I would one day marry goodbye. I feel so lost and down in the dumps about the future when I should be excited. I don't know how to be excited about the place that I'm at right now because I'm always the one that plans ahead...I know what I want out of life, but it still isn't here. I need to learn to be patient, but I'm not good at it. I have so many blanks, so many questions to ask...when to I get to find the answers????
Some pics of my graduation party:
Thursday, April 21, 2011
On the first day, God created the dog. God said, "Sit all day by the door and bark at anyone who comes near or walks past. I will give you a life span of 20 years." The dog said, "That's too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I'll give you the other ten years back." God agreed.
On the second day, God created the monkey. God said, "Entertain people, do monkey tricks, and make them laugh. I'll give you a 20 year life span." The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for 20 years? I don't think so. The dog gave you ten years back, so that's what I'll do too, okay?" God agreed.
On the third day, God created the cow. God said, "You must go to the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves, and give milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life span of 60 years." The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for 60 years. Let me have 20 and I'll give back the other 40." And God agreed again.
On the fourth day, God created man. God said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry, and enjoy your life. I'll give you 20 years." The man said, "What?! Only 20 years? Tell you what... I'll take my 20, and the 40 the cow gave back, and the 10 the monkey gave back, and the 10 the dog gave back. That makes 80, okay?"
"Okay," said God, "You've got a deal!"
So that is why the first 20 years we eat, sleep, play, and enjoy ourselves; the next 40 years we slave away in the sun to support our family; the next 10 years we do monkey tricks to enterain the grandchildren; and the last 10 years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
I found this on a website and thought it was cute and mostly true!! :) Hope everyone has a blessed Easter!
On the second day, God created the monkey. God said, "Entertain people, do monkey tricks, and make them laugh. I'll give you a 20 year life span." The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for 20 years? I don't think so. The dog gave you ten years back, so that's what I'll do too, okay?" God agreed.
On the third day, God created the cow. God said, "You must go to the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves, and give milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life span of 60 years." The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for 60 years. Let me have 20 and I'll give back the other 40." And God agreed again.
On the fourth day, God created man. God said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry, and enjoy your life. I'll give you 20 years." The man said, "What?! Only 20 years? Tell you what... I'll take my 20, and the 40 the cow gave back, and the 10 the monkey gave back, and the 10 the dog gave back. That makes 80, okay?"
"Okay," said God, "You've got a deal!"
So that is why the first 20 years we eat, sleep, play, and enjoy ourselves; the next 40 years we slave away in the sun to support our family; the next 10 years we do monkey tricks to enterain the grandchildren; and the last 10 years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
I found this on a website and thought it was cute and mostly true!! :) Hope everyone has a blessed Easter!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
New Babies...
These past couple months have been filled with babies- literally!! I've fallen so in love with these two precious little bundles, so I thought I had better show them off:)
Mason & Nyah
Nyah Jalaine Knepp
Mason David Graber
Love it!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Constant Struggle
Here I am, sitting in bed, with a million thoughts running through my head. I know I'm not alone in this struggle... people do it everyday, but I seem to be continually setting myself up for failure. Failure of not meeting my own standards. Sounds like something is missing, right?.... Where do I put God's plans in this mix of my own? Do I really think that I know what is better for me than my own Maker? It's a struggle each day I rise.. I make my own plans for my day, for my future, and I don't include God in any of them. I have all of these ideas or plans of what I want accomplished at specific points in my life and when I fail to meet them, I'm left feeling so empty and disappointed. I'm tired of that feeling.... but, until I learn to take each day as it is and look to my Savior for direction, I will continue to feel those emotions.
Please pray for me to give my plans to God, not just my daily plans, but life-long plans as well. I need to change my direction.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Cut Off!
I'm gonna do it!!!! All of my long, long, hair is going to be chopped off on Friday!! I want something that is easy and less time-consuming; something simple and quick for my mornings that always seem so rushed! :) My extra ten+ minutes to sleep in will be well worth the cut (I hope!). This is the syle I'm goin' for...
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Erica Update
Erica went to see the specialist on Monday and the tumor is not originally where they thought it was. Now it seems to be right behind the eyes and under the brain. On a good note- it is appearing to be non-cancerous, but she will still have to undergo surgery to have it removed because it is too large for them to shrink it?! On a bad note- the surgery will be tough on her! She will have to have her head shaved and they will saw her head open to get the tumor out. She will also lose her sense of smell permanently because of the direction they have to go in. :( and recovery could take up to 3 months!! Please keep praying!! It would be miraculous for her not to have surgery, but right now that looks like the only option. Erica also started a blog to document this journey @!
*I've also began my Project 365 and decided to create a blog for that @! A photo a day is alot harder than what you would think!! :)
*I've also began my Project 365 and decided to create a blog for that @! A photo a day is alot harder than what you would think!! :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Please lift up this family!!!
My first cousin on my dad's side of the family, Erica Alston (my dad's neice), went in to have an MRI because of the frequent headaches she had been having. What they found was not so good- she has a golf ball sized tumor on the left side of her brain. She goes in to see a specialist first thing Monday morning to learn more about what needs to happen in order to get rid of this tumor. Please lift this family up in your prayers!!! I'll keep posted what is found out Monday.
Erica Alston 
Her beautiful daughter, Allyah

Her beautiful daughter, Allyah
The Alston's

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