Monday, November 2, 2009

One year in Heaven..

Tonight (or this morning) at 1 a.m. will be the one-year mark that I've lived without my dad. He passed away on the way home from a Colts game from a massive heart attack (Martinsville, IN). Us three girls and my mom were sleeping downstairs in the living room when we got a phone call at 12:30 a.m. I woke up, shook mom and asked, "Who would be calling at this time at night?" She replied, "Oh it's probably just dad calling on his way home." I went back to sleep and let mom answer the phone. During that time mom found out that dad had had a heart attack and that we needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. When asked how bad it was, the only answer we got from anyone was, "They're working on him." The whole way to the hospital, us 4 sat in the back of the car, crying, praying, and holding on to the little piece of hope we had, that our family would be reunited soon. I envisioned running into that hospital, knocking down anyone that got in my way, squeezing my dad so tight, and telling him how very much I loved him. As we pulled into the ER garage and walked through the sliding doors, three doctors stood waiting to give us news that would forever separate our family. The only words I remember hearing were ones that will always feel like a knife in my heart, "He didn't make it." After that I remember gut-wrenching screams, watching my mom fall to the floor, and falling into the arms of whoever caught me. However the rest of the late night/early morning played out will always remain a bit blurry to me, because all I could do was cling to the shoes and jacket that the doctors brought out to us. Clothing that had been on my living and breathing daddy only minutes before.

365 days later I am still as heartbroken as I was the moment I heard the news. I have never cried so many tears, lain awake so many hours, dreamed so many nightmares, or felt pain so biting that it takes your next breath away. Remembering these memories are all that I have left, for the unknown years that I still have to live without my daddy. I would give anything to go back, feel his arms wrapped around me, his kiss on my cheek, and hear the last words he ever spoke to me, only to say good-bye one final time.

Daddy, this evening will be dedicated to you, your life, your love, your dreams, and your accomplishments. I will never forget all of the life that I shared with you. I love you more that words will ever speak.

I'll see you soon,


Chelsa said...

thinking of you today sweet girl! i'll be praying.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you today and always!!

Anonymous said...

thinking and praying for you and your family this week..& i cant believe it has been a year without him.. i miss him soo much.. i love you and your family..

tracy graber

Ashley said...

thinking of you and your family especially on today!! i know it is days like this that make life even harder. cling to the one's closest to you and be there for one another. you have such a great family!!

Ali Gish said...

Brit, I have been thinking of you and your mama and sisters. I remember getting the phone call as well, and immediately I told mom to tell dad we would be home as soon as we could.I can't believe it has been a year. I can't imagine what you are going through, but know that I love you and there are so many people that love you and are praying. Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving!!

Kayna Clidienst said...

Your story brings such tears to my eyes. You are such an AMAZING, strong, young woman who is going to do great things in her life with your Daddy's angel with you at all times. You have mentioned before how your dad touched so many lives well you my dear are following right along in his footsteps. Stay strog and know that you have love coming this week and always! Love you sweetie!

Jennifer said...

Thinking of you, your mom, and sisters....Praying for memories never to lost.

Sapphire Sweets by Emily said...

Thinking of you. A lady yesterday who has lost her sister, brother and only son said to me, "God gives us special people in our life, He doesn't promise how long we will have them, but he promises He will always be by our side." Praying God continues to walk by your side, share the good memories with you, dry each tear and give you hope that one day you will be together again. Love and Prayers!

Karen said...

My heart goes out to you! It has been 11 years since we lost Mike and there still does not a day go by that I don't think about him.;( And seeing Dustin in the E.R. last night was like living that awful morning all over again! Your dad was a wonderful man and I know that Mike thought a lot of him! You are a very strong girl and I know your dad would be vey proud of you! Keep hanging onto Jesus, He is our strength! Love you..

Anonymous said...

Love & prayers going out to you today for you and all your family. It's has to be another hard day for you to bear in your young life....but the sun is shining so bright today...I just keep thinking your dad is smiling down at your girls...he doesn't want you to shed a single tear for him....think and laugh at all your good memories....and you had lots of them....He love you so!
Take care ~ Lynn Knepp

Carolyn said...

He was such a good man, and obviously was raising great, awesome daughters along with your mom!
You are all in my thoughts & prayers now and always. This goes to all of his family, close & extended.
With love to you all,